Requital II

Dinma. O
4 min readJun 7, 2020


The sound of metal scrapping each other were the only sounds that could be heard from the bed he laid on. He looked towards the door and saw a tray was pushed in.

"Thank you!" He expressed appreciation. There was never any response but he didn't mind the excuse to acknowledge another person other than himself.

He grabbed the tray and was met with a horrid sight. Prison food was usually a disgrace to healthy food and good diet, but this was a menace to his appetite. At first glance, it looked like something a cat regurgitated but upon more inspection, it resembled some sort of porridge concotion.

Was this additional punishment? A way to push him into regret?

Laughter erupted from his throat, little did they know that the only regret he had was not completing what he started.
Moving to the bed with eyes raised to the ceiling, he plunged his mind into heart wrenching nostalgia.

"How are we going to cope now, daddy? Why did mummy leave us and go to heaven? Did she not love us anymore?" Innocent black irises looked up to meet his brown ones.

He managed an encouraging smile. "Don't worry Bolly, I will always be here to protect you. Always."

A promise he failed to keep like a tailor fails his clients during Christmas, the bastard was still alive.
Every moment his enemy breathes air equates to the amount of times Oluwole commits mental murder.

Knock Knock.

"Enter." Multitasking was one of Warden's hobbies, at the moment she was watching the inmates doing laundry while attending to matters on paper.

"Goodmorning ma." She looked up to see Officer Orji.

"Good morning. Did you need something?" She usually refrained from indulging her surbodinates anymore than necessary, insolence was not far from most of them. She was aware of the nicknames the called her among themselves, and most of them were derogatory, little did they know she had informants amidst them.

"It's about the inmate that we kept in Solitary confinement. You asked for the reason he attacked the other man." Officer Orji knew this news was enough to make her drop all her duties at the moment.

"Oh, so what was the reason?" Her eyes lit up with interest. She admired this kind of competence in people.

"Well, i checked inmate Oluwole's file and found out that he was charged with seven years for attempted murder of a doctor."

"Well, i knew that. But give me the details." She usually checks everyone's file before they enter the Prison, but remembering every inmate's crime is not what she is paid for.

As usual her Amebo traits surface again, Officer Orji thought. But he told her anyway. "He used a scalpel belonging to the doctor to carve letters on his forearms, he then left him to bleed out. He was caught on the scene of the crime, he didn't try to escape. It was discovered that the letters formed inmate Oluwole's daughter's name. When the court asked him the reason he wanted to murder a reputable doctor, he kept repeating the word 'murderer' over and over. According to him, the doctor performed an abortion on his sixteen year old daughter which caused the girl to die from internal bleeding a day after. Unfortunately for him, there was no evidence to back up his claim. So, the case was thrown out."

"Okay, now that the background check has ended. What was the reason behind his violent act."

"Well, the man he attacked in the cafeteria was the doctor. Apparently, He was charged with medical malpractices and sentenced to ten years." As he finished the briefing, he could see the wheels already turning in the Warden's head.

"Oh! So, it was an act of revenge for his daughter's death? How long has he been isolated now?"

"Two weeks. We only let him out to bathe, apart from that, he spends all his time isolated from anyone."

"Let me see the doctor's file." She was handed the file and viewed a photo that caused her to be thrown aback to a scenario that occurred weeks prior to the violent attack.

"Good morning ma, how was your night?" Officer Olajide was a premium kissass. He never missed any opportunity to get in the good book of the Warden.

"Oh, morning Olajide. It was fine, thank you. Anything to report?" He was one of the moles she planted among the guards.

"No ma, but a new inmate said he wants to see you."
It was too early in the morning for any inmate complaints.

"Let him in."
A man who looked to be in his sixties sauntered in, he had a ghostly smirk at the side of his chapped lips.

"If you have any complaints, fill this form." She pointed to a stack of forms on her desk. From her experience, older people tend to have issues adjusting in prison. She expected him to start ranting his concerns immediately. But he smiled and sat at the designated visitor's seat at her front.

"I am not here for complaints. I'm here for what you can do for me and what you will get in return." He proceeded to smile. She kept waiting for the punchline but he seemed to be serious. She was far from being surprised, she encounters delusional inmates like this more often than necessary. Today, she decided to play along.

"And what would that be?"

"There is this headache of a person i wish to keep isolated from everyone, it is imperative he remains there for the next two months." What is this?

"Why?" Her curiosity made her ask.

"Let's just say, if he talks, he becomes a danger to my entire being. In return, the position of Director of Prisons would be yours." What did this man smoke exactly?

"Who are you? And we do not have any inmate presently in Solitary, so I don't know what you're talking about."

"Well, it won't be long before he lands there. Just remember this conversation when that happens." He smiled and walked out the way he entered.

So, that was the clown that made the statement? What were the odds?

